Papers > Award Recipients
NAKANO AWARD for Best Paper
NAKANO AWARD is presented as the Best Paper Award to
Syed Saqib Bukhari, Markus Ebbecke and Michael Gillmann for the paper entitled "Business Forms Classification using Earth Mover's Distance".
Candidates for The IAPR Nakano Best Paper Award
- End-to-End Conversion of HTML Tables for Populating a Relational Database. George Nagy, Sharad Seth, and David W. Embley
- OCR Performance Prediction Using a Bag of Allographs and Support Vector Regression. Tapan Kumar Bhowmik, Thierry Paquet, and Nicolas Ragot
- A System for Recognizing Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions and Improvement of Structure Analysis. AnhDuc Le, Truyen Van Phan, and Masaki Nakagawa
- Flexible Noisy Text Correction. Andrey Sariev, VladislavNenchev, Stefan Gerdjikov, PetarMitankin, HristoGanchev, StoyanMihov, and TinkoTinchev
- Business Forms Classification Using Earth Mover’s Distance. Syed SaqibBukhari, Markus Ebbecke, and Michael Gillmann
- Multiscale Stroke-Based Page Segmentation Approach. Mehdi Felhi, Salvatore Tabbone, and Maria V. Ortiz Segovia
- Curriculum Learning for Handwritten Text Line recognition. JérômeLouradour and Christopher Kermorvant
- Ground-Truth Production in the Transcriptorium Project. Basilis Gatos, Georgios Louloudis, Tim Causer, Kris Grint, Verónica Romero, Joan Andreu Sánchez, Alejandro H. Toselli, and Enrique Vidal
ITESOFT AWARD for Best Student Paper
ITESOFT AWARD is presented as the Best Student Paper Award to
Dominika Tkaczyk, Pawel Szostek, Piotr Jan Dendek, Mateusz Fedoryszak and Lukasz Bolikowski, for the paper entitled "CERMINE - automatic extraction of metadata and references from scientific literature".
Candidates for The ITESOFT Best Student Paper Award
- Performance Improvement in Local Feature Based Camera-Captured Character Recognition. Takahiro Matsuda, Masakazu Iwamura, and Koichi Kise
- A Novel Learning-Free Word Spotting Approach Based on Graph Representation. Peng Wang, Véronique Eglin, Christophe Garcia, Christine Largeron, Josep Lladós, and Alicia Fornés
- Multiclass Learning for Writer Identification Using Error-Correcting Codes. UtkarshPorwal, ChetanRamaiah, Ashish Kumar, and VenuGovindaraju
- Text Detection Using Delaunay Triangulation in Video Sequence. Liang Wu, PalaiahnakoteShivakumara, Tong Lu, and Chew Lim Tan
- A Hierarchical Framework for Accent Based Writer Identification. ChetanRamaiah and VenuGovindaraju
- CERMINE - Automatic Extraction of Metadata and References from Scientific Literature. DominikaTkaczyk, PawelSzostek, Piotr Jan Dendek, Mateusz Fedoryszak, and Lukasz Bolikowski